Nicholas Galinski - Worldbuilder & Narrative Game Designer

Nicholas Galinski – Expanded Resume & Portfolio

Austin, TX or Remote


I’ve worked at all stages of the writing and design pipeline as the creative leader of a role-playing and live experience game company. After having worked in the education field for 8 years as an English teacher and curriculum writer, I’ve made the jump to the tech and gaming industries. I have 5+ years of experience writing narrative, scripts, and directing actors for live games and tabletop, as well as creating technical documentation for in-house programs. I worked as a Narrative Designer for Everland, a social MMO where I helmed the world-building until the project was suddenly halted due to a tragedy. I am an expert storyteller and world-builder who brings his work home with him into his hobbies.

In my most recent role as a Lead Writer at Accenture I was contracted to Google and led project management of written content for their Search POD. I wrote, edited, project managed, and published for launches that reach millions of users, managed and organized other writers, and translated technical jargon into language that is easy to understand.

My career highlights include being a part of the launches for Google Pixel, Bard, and Search products, selling the intellectual property of Sacred Grounds Gaming to Salt & Pepper Gaming, and creating the story of Everland.

Fantasy Writing Sample

The Colonist's Guide to Aularia

Sacred Grounds Gaming, Inc Kickstarter

Worldbuilding Doc - Vaniiri

EGO Trip YouTube - Writing Consultant / Producer

American Museum of Finance Event Brochure Copy

Game Narrative Sample Script With Branches

AustinShow - Producer & Writer of Live Reality Show Content

Imagine Nation Collective Website Copy / Technical Info

Everland MMO

Embers of the Irradiated West: A Dystopia Rising Supplement

MMEInk Website Content

The Merchant's Guide to Aularia

Sample Art Brief


M.A. Creative Writing & Literature (Fiction Emphasis)

Southern New Hampshire University

B.S. English Language Arts Education

Minor in Film Studies

+30 Miscellaneous Credits

University of Central Florida

Expanded Work History

Lead Writer / Project Manager

Accenture, Austin, TX / Feb 2021 – Present

•Analyzes technical documentations and translates it into easy-to-understand language for the everyday user.

•Manages sensitive launches impacting millions of users alongside project leads.

•Improves workflow by monitoring style guides and processes for pipeline snags.

•Directs general writers to write copy by creating content plans.

Narrative Designer & World Builder

Everland MMO, Austin, TX / Dec 2019 – Aug 2020

•Crafts the story of a persistent online world from the ground-up as the primary force behind the game's lore and world building.

•Brings characters to life with individual personalities, motivations, and roles in the overarching narrative.

•Expresses character personalities through dialogue and animations using in-house tools in Unity.

•Creates briefs for artists to visualize and craft memorable characters and locations.

•Utilizes an agile workflow to meet sprint deadlines.

•Flexes into roles designing systems for crafting, gathering, questing, and mini-games that drive the team's vision for a game play loop in a persistent online world.

Creative Director

Sacred Grounds Gaming, Moriches, NY / Mar 2013 – Jul 2019

•Crafted the lore of the Sacred Grounds game world from the ground up.

•Led a team of writers and artists to create appealing content in the aesthetic of the Sacred Grounds game universe.

•Spearheaded many projects that included world development and rules systems, including three rule books and dozens of lore pieces.

•Planned, managed, and created fantasy steampunk content for regular monthly events serving 100+ participants.

•Wrote art briefs for commissioned pieces that led to excellent working relationships with contractors.

•Wrote marketing copy and served as a liaison with convention management and event companies.

•Created technical documentation for custom, in-house programs.

•Directed actors to embody roles as part of the event production process.

•Managed all parts of the creative pipeline from concept to execution.

•Satisfied all stakeholders by increasing the value of the company's intellectual property, lore, world, programs, and processes by 300%+ since inception.

Freelance Writer & Game Designer

Self-Employed, Remote / Jan 2011 – Present

•Produce content, copy, and technical writing for a diverse range of clients, including game companies, event coordinators, and charities.

•Built the world of Mexico after a zombie apocalypse in Embers of the Irradiated West for client Eschaton Media.

•Consulted for game companies and amateur game-runners for events at Dexposure conventions.

•Notable clients include Eschaton Media, Dexposure, The Imagine Nation Collective, MMEInk, and Colonial Youth & Family Services.

English Teacher & Curriculum Writer

NYCDOE, Bronx, NY / Sep 2017 – Jun 2019

•Developed curriculum for the 7th & 8th grade that resulted in an 8% increase in student scores on standardized testing the following year.

•Distilled complex topics into manageable, bite-sized lessons.

•Engaged students in unique and creative learning experiences.

•Served as a leader as part of the school leadership team.

Writer / Content Producer

Austin Show, Remote / Dec 2018 – Jun 2019

•Wrote scenarios to create interesting, viewer-engaged content that drove an increase from 12,000 to 20,000 average live viewers.

•Researched weekly podcast topics and distilled them into talking points to promote discussion.

•Recruited and worked with on-air talent to produce an entertaining live stream.

English & Creative Writing Teacher

NYC Public Schools, Bronx, NY / Sep 2017-Jun 2019

Hicksville Public Schools, Hicksville, NY / Sep 2015 – Jun 2017

William Floyd School District, Mastic Beach, NY / Sep 2011 – Jun 2015