Nicholas Galinski - Worldbuilder & Narrative Game Designer

Who am I?

In my career I have been a motivator, a teacher, a writer, and a creator. My creative fire has been stoked by sessions of Dungeons and Dragons as a teenager, the work of writers such as Dan Harmon, Ed Greenwood, R.A. Salvatore, and Chris Metzen, as well as works of non-fiction played on endless loop from my Audible library.

I created an intellectual property from nothing, launched it on Kickstarter, and sold the intellectual property for triple. The fantasy steampunk world I built continues to be used in ongoing projects. For that brand I played the role of creative lead, copywriter, narrative designer, and even director, wearing many hats every evening and weekend after my day job as a secondary English teacher for eight years.

In my spare time, I’m an avid fan of blogs and podcasts, even hosting a successful one myself. I also served as a producer for the largest non-gaming live stream on, bringing my writing skills to the world of live entertainment. To keep my writing skills fresh, I’ve worked in freelance writing for event production companies, gaming companies, and charities.

My education background is a B.S. in English from the University of Central Florida, where I also minored in Film because of my interest in script-writing and directing. From there, I earned an M.A. in Creative Writing and Literature from Southern New Hampshire University.

I currently work at Everland MMO as a Narrative Deisgner, however this social MMO project is currently on hold following the tragic death of the owner, Byron Bernstein. I am seeking other work opportunities at this time.

I seek a role in Narrative Design, Technical Writing, Creative Writing, or Game Design. My ideal work environment is a tabletop of video game studio, but I am interested in any opportunity that utilizes my creative, proactive, and team-minded qualities.

Nicholas Galinski